Calvary Church, Saskatoon, SK

Church Role: Associate Pastor

Context and setting

Calvary Church is a small church in Saskatoon SK, on the southeast side of the city in the Eastview community. We are a church of 80 to 100 people from babies to seniors, with thriving ministries to all ages. We also share our building with a Chinese Christian church, who meets Sunday afternoons.

Core values/Church DNA

Our core values include a priority on teaching the Word of God (expository teaching with the topical messages every now and again), discipleship/mentoring, fellowship and outreach.

Types of ministries at Calvary Church

-          Personal mentoring/discipleship of all ages

-          Deeper Discipleship (Youth and adult Sunday school)

-          Children’s Church (Ages 1-12)

-          Youth group (Grades 6-12)

-          Life groups

-          Supporting missionaries (SIM, Athletes in Action)

-          Supporting Christian organizations (Teen Challenge, Samaritan’s Purse, SIM etc.)

 Roles, responsibilities and opportunities for the Associate Pastor

Calvary Church is a supportive and encouraging body of believers with long term pastors. A man involved in this role will have opportunity to serve in a several ministry areas and to grow in ministry skills and abilities as he serves.

The Associate Pastor’s role will involve working with young people and youth by preparing and teaching Bible lessons, as well as working with the youth group leadership to organize youth nights and special events. It will also involve intentionally building relationships with the youth and helping them with issues they may be facing.

Along with that, the Associate Pastor intern will be involved in such things as preaching once a month, assisting with communion and baptisms as needed, and emceeing services etc. He will also be involved in church leadership by sitting on a ministry team as well as attending board and elders’ meetings.


Calvary Church is a great place to serve as a pastor and to grow in pastoral ministry. The congregation is encouraging, and the leadership really desires to know and follow the will of God.

Job Description:

Calvary Church Associate Pastor’s Ministry
*(all titles & responsibilities subject to change under review
by the Elders & Disciple-Making Team)

Contact: Mr. Virgil Nyborg : Email:


From a biblical perspective we recognize that pastoral ministry is first a shepherd caring for his flock, a dedicated servant of the Master, serving those entrusted to him, and finally a steward of wealth and resources.  To this end we seek an associate pastor qualified and gifted to pastor young people/couples and youth.  We will seek to continually evaluate and adjust this role of associate as need arises.  Depending upon qualifications and gifting the percentage of time spent in varying areas is open to review.   


1.       He must meet the scriptural qualifications as outlined on 1 Timothy 3:1-6, Titus 1:5-9, and exemplify in his life 2 Timothy 4:1-5, 1 Peter 5:1-3, Acts 20:17-35.

2.       He shall have been officially approved by the Associated Gospel Churches before receiving a call to ministry.

3.       A person who is able to testify to a consistent TAWG (time along with God) & prayer for the sole purpose of developing his personal relationship with God.

4.       A person who models a balanced Christian life with all aspects of growth (mental, physical, spiritual and social, including family).

5.       A person who has a passion for and commitment to the ongoing development of others (ie. Young people/couples & youth) socially, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

6.       A person who has received a clear background check by the police.

7.       A Bible college/school degree or diploma is required.

Primary Responsibilities (duties) -

  • Young people and couples Pastoral Ministry – 70% of overall responsibilities.  

1.       Form, train and give leadership to a team that will care for and facilitate weekly junior and senior youth ministries.

2.       Facilitate weekly young people’s ministry (i.e. Youth group/College & Career). Provide a devotional Bible Study at youth group events at least 2 times a month, along with facilitating regular connecting, friendship building, social and fun activities for young people.

3.       Shall meet youth and young adults for the purpose of friendship, building them up in their faith and counseling. He shall also take initiatives to disciple/mentor student(s) either one on one or in a small group setting (i.e. accountability group), and to connect with youth who have dropped out.

4.       To be available to teach a youth or children’s Sunday School class as time permits.

5.       Communicate with the parents, informally and formally on a regular basis.

6.       Explore & encourage service opportunities for our young people within as well as outside of our church (i.e. Youth Worship service Sunday morning, joint events with other youth groups etc.).

7.       Be a participant as needed in our annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) in conjunction with the Disciple Making Team (i.e. involvement in planning, teaching as necessary, running crafts, music etc. as needed)

8.       * Be trained as a Plan to Protect Trainer (To be updated every three years)

9.       * To annually teach Plan to Protect orientation and refresher courses to volunteers in conjunction with the Disciple Making Team.

  • Youth/Children’s Ministry Administrative & General Responsibilities5%

1.       Be a resource person for the mid-week children’s ministry program, when it runs.

2.       Be willing to contact and work with other evangelical churches/events in planning city-wide youth events that promote the cause of Christ as time and circumstances allow.

3.       Keep track of youth group budget (i.e. tracking expenses, program, event and food costs, etc.)

  • General Pastoral Responsibilities25%

1.       Be involved in a preaching cycle of approximately 4 weeks.

2.       As time permits, lead/participate in: emceeing Sunday morning service, membership ceremonies, communion, baptism, weddings and funerals etc.

3.       Be an elder-representative on a ministry team.

4.       He shall attend all meetings of the Elders and the board (Called the Ministry Coordination Team or MCT) and the ministry team on which he serves.

5.       Write an annual ministry report for Anticipation (Annual General Meeting).

6.       Is encouraged to discuss new proposals and ideas regarding policy or ministry with the senior pastor before presenting them to the Elders and MCT. They should be compatible with the overall focus, goals and vision of the church.

7.       He shall meet weekly with the senior pastor for the purpose of mentoring, counseling, planning, prayer and encouragement.

8.       He may, at the discretion of the Elders team and MCT, assume the duties of the senior pastor role when a vacancy exists.


1.       It is expected the Associate Pastor will keep regular working hours and maintain diligence in fulfilling his responsibilities assigned to him. He shall be responsible to the Elders, the senior pastor and MCT (when called upon) in determining and keeping his regular hours.

2.       Some flexibility is given when the Associate Pastor works late at night (i.e. young people’s/youth group, ministry team meetings) in coming in later that day, or the day after.

Working Requirements

1.       The basic hours required to work will be 40-45 hours a week. Note: this will involve a minimum of 5 hours a day Monday to Friday (pending day off) in the office & Sunday serving in a ministry capacity.

2.       The number of evening commitments should not exceed 3 per week, preferably 2, all the whole recognizing that there will be weeks/seasons in which this will be an exception.

Darlene Komadan